after more than one month in istanbul i finally decided to start writing. since it's impossible to describe everything that happened so far in one post, let me simply start with the name; istanblue sounds right (any similarity to vodka called istanblue is just a coincidence:) because blue suggests colour of the marmara sea that balances this chaotic and never-ending city. whenever something sounds or feels right, i believe it is right. vzhodnomodra is a slovenian (phonetical) translation of the name, where first part of the word ist- sounds like east and is therefore translated to vzhod (meaning east) and second part of the word -blue into modra (signifying colour). if there is something like light or dark blue to describe the world around, i think eastern blue could exist as well. 

po več kot enem mesecu sem se končno odločila, da začnem pisati, vendar ne na začetku. zato sredi vsega (za uvod) par besed o imenu. istanblue se sliši prav (in vsaka podobnost z  vodko istega imena je zgolj naključje), ker spomni na marmorno morje, ki vsak dan znova uravnoteži kaos na ulicah tega neskončnega mesta. verjamem, da kadar stvari zvenijo in/ali se čutijo prav, so prave. vzhodnomodra je 'fonetični' prevod in se neverjetno ujema s smerjo neba, h kateri se od tukaj nagibam. glede na to, da poznamo svetlomodro, temnomodro, zelenomodro in še več, se mi zdi odtenek vzhodnomodre prav tako mogoč. 

bosphorus bridge connecting european to asian side

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