yesterday we finally realized some of our ideas that we came across while living together. our apartment is on top of an older building, which means that (as most of the houses here) has a terace upstairs. unfortunately is quite neglected and we're spending there less time than we should. we wanted to do something about it, tidy it at least..
terace is covered with roof tiles that are visible on some parts. not that much to hide them, but more to revivive the atmosphere we decided to put large piece of fabric above the table. we couldn't get appropriate width so we took two smaller parts and tied them together in very simple way. we tied the fabric around the two beams so it can be easily removed (owner doesn't allow any permanent changes).
there was a fantanstic party under 'the cloud' afterwards with good food, drinks, music, amazing view and this is only the beginning. welcome;)

včeraj smo končno uresničili par idej, ki so se nabrale v tem času. na vrhu stanovanja imamo noro lepo teraso z razgledom, ki pa je žal precej zanemarjena, zato se na njej zadržujemo manj kot bi se lahko. že nekaj časa smo si želeli nekaj ukreniti glede tega, jo vsaj pospraviti..stvari so se odvile tako. terasa je pokrita s strešniki, ki so tu in tam vidni. niti ne zato, da bi jih prekrili, bolj zato da bi poudarili vzdušje, je bila ideja, da nad mizo obesimo kos tkanine. ker ni bilo mogoče dobiti potrebne širine, smo vzeli dva manjša kosa in ju zvezali skupaj na preprost način. na vseh štirih koncih smo blago nato zavezali za tramova tako da ga je mogoče kasneje tudi odstraniti. s tem smo ugodili lastniku (upam), saj ne dovoli nobene trajne spremembe. pod 'oblakom' se je nato odvil hud hud žur, z dobro hrano, pijačo in glasbo, zjutraj je sledil zajtrk, ki se je prevesil v popoldne  in sploh je to šele začetek. dobrodošli;)

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