after sometimes already annoying rainy winter with short snow wonderland in between, warm wind finally started to blow. firstly, it blew away my computer's main board but apart from that, all other changes are welcome, one of them is happening right now on streets of tarlabaşı neighbourhood. we're having first wedding in the season tonight! i don't know how they managed to arrange things with weather, were they lucky, was the wedding spontaneous..:)? i'm not downstairs today, yet i'm writing this post in the rhythm of drums and loud singing that my windows luckily cannot block. photos below were taken at the wedding in autumn and today is finally the right time to show them! that much about their colourful celebrations for now and next time more about their grayscale misery.


po na trenutke še kar zoprni in deževni zimi z vmesno snežno pravljico je končno zapihal toplejši veter, ki mi je sicer najprej odpihnil maticno plosco na racunalniku, vse ostalo, kar prinaša s sabo pa je zaenkrat dobrodošlo. med drugim prvi toplejši dan (ne pravim, da imamo ze pomlad, zares se baje zacne sele aprila!) tudi ljubi sosedi proslavljajo s prvo poroko v letosnji sezoni. ne razumem kako se ujeli ravno pravi čas, so se prej zmenili za vreme, se porocajo kar spontano..:) danes sicer nisem z njimi, vseeno pa pišem tole objavo v ritmi bobnov in glasnega vzklikanja z ulice in koncno objavljam par fotk z vzdusja jesenske poroke, ki so kljub nesreci z racunalnikom zdaj na varnem. toliko o njihovem blišču in naslednjič še malenkost več o bedi. 

they were dancing all evening

still looking for their songs on the internet but they aren't there, of course

friends took care of make-up
men's discussion


each of guests had to dance with the married couple

kids growing up or better said, dancing up

no matter age


under the dark sky

whole street gathered

sometimes there is better view

from upstairs.

good luck! since they probably don't know where they are going to live after renewal project hits their lives too

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