še to povem in potem začnem pisati o pomladi. glede na to, da je v sloveniji še mrzlo, zna recept za toplo paradižnikovo juho priti prav. mi smo jo jedli celo zimo..večkrat smo se s cimri oglasili pri Ismailu, gospodu, ki ima tri hiše naprej majhno restavracijo. postreže s čajem, tostom, melemenom (umešana jajca s paradižnikom in papriko), rižom ali juho-čorbo. neprestano govori v turščini, nam s pantomimo razlaga besede, ki jih ne razumemo in nas ima rad. zato kuha tako kot bi kuhale babice.


this is the last post left to write before i start writing about spring. according to the fact that it is still cold in slovenia, this recipe for delicous tomato and lentil soup should be tried out! we were eating mercimek corbasi through the whole winter. often, we stopped by our neighbor who runs a small restaurant three blocks up the street. he offers you, tea, toast, melemen (eggs with tomato and pepper), rice or soup. all the time he speaks in turkish, explaining us words we don't know with pantomime and loves us much, therefore makes us soup as our grandmothers would.

afiyet olsun! dober tek, bon appetit!

ingredients: flour, tomato paste, salt, mint, and lentil in the other pot

flour + oil first, then add tomato paste

+ lentil togehter with water it was in

salt and mint

serving with lemon

cook and assistants

other guests


kitchen and restaurant, all in one

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